Malioboro, was nostalgic in Cinderamata Heaven Stretched on the imaginary fuse that connected the Yogyakarta palace, Tugu and the Mount Merapi peak, this road was formed to a trade locality after Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I developed trade means through a traditional market since 1758. After passing by 248 years, the place was still remaining as a trade region in fact to one of the Yogyakarta icons that was known with Malioboro. Was located around 800 metre from the Yogyakarta palace, this place was previously filled with the flower article every time the palace carried out celebration. Malioboro that in the language sansekerta meant the "flower article" to the foundation of the naming of this road. Flanked shops, the office complex, the restaurant, the luxurious hotel and the building were historic, the road that previously could become the basis of the struggle when Dutch military aggression of the 2 during 1948 also had become the roaming land of the artists who were bundled into the Studi Fatherland community of the Club (PSK) the management of the artist Umbul Landu Paranggi since 1970-an through to around 1990.
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