Because that is the attraction, Goa Jatijajar still be excellent, compared to cave-cave in the Kebumen. Goa is currently managed by Office of Tourism Arts and Culture (Disparsibud) is always busy traveler plateau, especially during the holidays arrive.
Concerning natural beauty of this natural cave does not need to doubt. Landscapes of the earth a rare ditawarka obtained in this place. See, different types of stones such as stone stalakmit, stalaktit and heritit that beautifully. Surely the roof of the cave stones that stick to the bottom with solid and beautiful.
If you drill down to the cave in which they say is found by a farmer named Jayamenawi at 1802 F, the visitor will find a number of river or water source that is being or is still active. However, seven of which have until now only five of the new course is being found that navel Earth, Jombor, Mawar, dangle, and Jalatunda. While the other two are still in the search.
Not only natural elegance offered cave which is only several kilometers from the coast Logending. Each river is being or is also covered mitosnya alone. River of Earth and navel Jombor nutritious water seems to fulfill a variety of purposes. Meanwhile, Rose is being wonder if water for bathing or washing face, have a property can be ageless. As if the water is being dangle for a facial or bath, then the intention ideals hope will easily achieved.
Apart true or not, not a little holiday to come to the cave is just ngalap blessing. There are goals that have received can pray favorite school, work, and other goals that are mystical. "For those who believe things mystical, the cave has a distinctive charm" said Agus Riyono, one of Goa tourism officials object to Jatijajar Suara Merdeka CyberNews.
Not only myths, that have a cave tour area 5.5 hectares is legend has a very interesting story. Perhaps, the cave was first restored in 1975, is one of the many retirement Cokro prince, son of the King and Siliwangi Prameswari, or who became known by the name Kamandoko, fled when the army's siege Kadipaten Pasiluhur.
There is also, Kamandoko then get a command to retrieve the relic on the mountain that is now known Baturagung Baturaden. Because it is hereditary, Kamandoko can be changed to Lutung Kasarung. Who can then gain from the daughter of Kandandoho Adipati Kadipaten Pasiluhur. Acts that, dilestarikan to install sculptures are legends in some corner of the cave. Total number of statues of the 32 units divided into eight dioramas.
Jatijajar visiting Goa, do not forget to buy by-door by the form or dodol krisik and kupat pecel have any sense of the typical Jatijajar. Before that, no one layover in lesehan stalls under the shady trees enjoying food while enjoying the breezy wind blowing the blow.
With family, friends, or alone, to visit Goa Jatijajar be a fun tour activity. Unfortunately ignorant stroke of those who are not responsible tarnish the beauty of nature in the area of the cave. See only the cave's mouth that there are a number of wild any posts. "Unfortunately, management seemed to improvise. While tourism object is very potential to be developed, "said Mubarok (26) home visitor Cilacap.
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